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Hey DJ! Sleep Deeply Tonight



Do these 3 things and wake up totally refreshed 8 hours later!

music can help you sleep
1. Clean Your Room
Disarray can interfere with a good night’s sleep, according to research in the journal sleep. Too much visual stimulation overwhelms your nervous system and makes you restless.

2. Skip the Sauce Booze may help put you out, but it also increases your brain’s alpha wave patterns, activating areas that make restorative REM sleep hard to achieve. If you’ve had a few too many, chug water before bed to help dilute your blood alcohol concentration— and your regrets the next morning.

3. Sleep Naked Sound sleep requires an internal temp that drops as you drift off and rises as dawn approaches. So try this: First, take a warm shower—or have a quick romp—to boost body heat. Then sleep in the buff under a sheet and blanket you can easily throw off.

CASE CLOSED! Tired DJs generally sleep better. The University of Pennsylvania researchers reached this astonishing conclusion after assessing the daily activities of 5,000 DJs and music producers. In the study, those who exercised regularly were more likely to average 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. But you knew that, right?

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style.

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