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5 Best Ties For This Spring Season



best ties
The spring brings forth flowers and fragrance that fills our atmosphere. As flowers blossom this spring, it is highly recommended that you be groomed for the season. As an outfit and smartness enthusiast, you should groom your look. A spring groom should be glamorous to match the attractive environment. Still, spring has so many events that you want to dress perfectly. Here are the 5 best ties for this spring season.

1. Floral neck tie

The tie is a mix of flowers that speaks about what is around. Flowers are everywhere so, why not on your neck? If you consider this tie, it should not be slim but broad enough to reveal complete flowers and their patterns. If you put on the tie, don’t make the mistake of closing your coat. We want to see the tie lying flat on your shirt. If you want to close the coat, then consider wearing the half coat instead. A half coat will leave enough space to reveal the floral tie.

2. A blue-white polka bow tie

A gentleman with a confident look has to have a straight-looking posture this spring. A polka blue bow tie will definitely take rage this season. The tie is recommended to be worn with a plain shirt. Just like flowers have petals that emanate from the centre, the bowtie will look like a flower at the neck. The bow tie should be two-fold type as it seems to resemble a flower.

3. A black bow tie for black and white event

In the spring, it is definite that someone is taking a girl out or a party smells somewhere. On a party or a black and white-themed event, a bow tie is a must-do. The black suit should match the bowtie. It goes without saying that black is for white. In your black suit and a white shirt, that lady in the white dress will feel impressed by the black bow tie o your neck. Make that girl feel good and accommodating.

4. Ascot Cravat

In the spring, if you want to be casual and still look formal, a finishing of ascot cravat will help you achieve this. You may decide to use a floral ascot or just simply a plain one. Do not take one that has a very bright colour as that will be too shouting. A too-shouting fitting makes you be recognized first it.

5. Posh and Dandy Sky Blue Bees Patterned Silk Tie

One thing you may like about this silk is its sky-blue colour. On your neck, it will bring a pattern of bees buzzing in different directions. Well, in the spring season, bees are a common thing where we have flowers. The posh and Daddy sky blue will be a good match for most of your shirt colours. This silk tie has a wool inner lining to keep it in perfect shape.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
