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COY Swede & Camila Carballo Reveal Single Arriving In 2021 — Interview



Camila Carballo, COY Swede Interview

© [Dennis Skurk] /Skurkstudio

EDM lovers will have to read this interview in full. COY Swede and Camila Carballo open up about their upcoming single “Believe In Us,coming out on January 21st, 2021. The Swedish artists disclose interesting details of this inspirational tune produced in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more below and pre-save it here.

1 – How did the collaboration with Camila Carballo come up?

COY Swede: I have been looking for a singer from my own country for a while. No special reason it’s just that I have been working with more international collabs before. And for this track, “Believe In Us,” I knew I wanted a more Soul vibe in it, so I began searching not only among active or well-known singers but also in the indie music scene. She offers a kind of a new “Sade quality” but still her own sound! Of course, people who know who that singer is will understand the high standard of Camila.

© [Dennis Skurk] /Skurkstudio

We started talking through Instagram and we sent back and forth some demos during a period of time. I could hear quite fast that we needed to make this happen. Not everybody has easy access to a studio and also make it fit this pandemic plus other things. I also noted that we in a larger perspective share good life values and have a similar drive and passion.

2 – How was your recording process during this pandemic?

COY Swede: That was a huge challenge for both of us, and as a collab employer, safety must come first, and a very limited amount of people in the studio. And always check before that everyone feels healthy throughout that short period of time. So we talk on the phone about how we should solve this as Camila is based for studies in Cyprus. But most of the time when all was recorded we were home free.

© [Dennis Skurk] /Skurkstudio

Camila: Exactly, Coy Swede explains it well. Our first priority in the matter was always the safety and that based on restrictions of the pandemic only we were allowed to be in the studio or where the projects were carried out, and that the persons involved were COVID negative. For me, it was fantastic to be able to do the recording together and right after my midterm exams were written. I got time for both valuable times with the family back home in Sweden and to turn dreams into reality in a safe way quickly and efficiently in just a few hours.

3 – What have you learned from it?

COY Swede: Stay way cooler, take every step by step. More focus on planning it all very carefully. And still, keep the focus on the long run so to speak. I think both of us boosted as good teamwork.

Camila: It was a long time ago, I was in the music business now, about 4 years, so there is a lot you forget that needs to be refreshed both in the studio and in the workaround and all that the music industry involves! Much has changed in a short time and we are constantly learning what works today to succeed in the best way and reach out with our music to as many people as possible. We are both very open to learning, and I think it is a fundamental key to success and understand that not everything happens overnight today but you develop and learn all the time during the journey, and you are never fully learned!

4 – What makes this new song so inspirational for other artists?

COY Swede: We have found our sound. And that is a good tip for others! Test and train yourself, have an open mind. Don’t be negative against other artists. Find your own process and flow and keep it going! But don’t forget to engage in other things in your surrounding with your music and help others! If you feel like people make negative comments about your musical journey, then tell them, pep talk me and boost me or get the hell out of my way! :-)

© [Dennis Skurk] /Skurkstudio

Camila: Just like COY Swede says, I feel that our sound settled right away! I was shocked myself that the result was better than expected and could hardly believe that I was the one who sang as everything felt so genuine and authentic. Both the lyrics and the music have really felt right and “us” since the start. For other artists, it may inspire to make music alongside our careers, we are just passionate about this but see it as something we should not feel pressure or stress in. We want to remain in the flow of music to come to us, and not the opposite that we should force the music out of us. I believe this is when music magic is born!

5 – Please, tell us more about the #WeHold hashtag, what does it represent?

COY Swede: It stands for our teamwork focus with this track we made. Passion, follow your vision, boost each other during the process. It kinda wraps the core “grit” we share and what you need in just one word.

6 – Can we expect a new lyric video or a TikTok challenge?

COY Swede:  Haha, no clue yet I heard that every artist needs to be there all the time. If someone wants to do some dance, of course, it would be fun and cool! Love it! But I won’t do it just because everyone thinks you need to be on there!

Camila: Everything can happen! The one who waits will see!

7 – If you were able to change something about today’s music industry, what would it be?

COY Swede: As a producer/composer hopefully I could inspire that there are no limits on variations when it comes to sounds and melodies. And I actually think people are getting tired of all these covers all the time. That being said it’s nothing wrong with it. Just try to create something fresh instead of other than ride on someone else’s royalty or core music and from a finished stem.

When it comes to the general music industry I have more to say, of course, I sure do! And things that I passed along the ride that aren’t so nice. The time comes when I need to deal with that more or less. Why remember shit, leave it, like it is, and be determined and move on!

© [Dennis Skurk] /Skurkstudio

Camila: If there is one thing I would like to change with the music industry, it is precisely that many artists today feel impersonal. There are few artists who actually talk more with their fans about who they are, about why they sing their songs, about how the process went, about problems in society or politics. This is progressing, but I wish more artists were more down to earth! I remember myself as a young teenage girl, above all, how you looked up to artists and the music industry in a way that you listened to aliens, it was a different level. I wish we could show that we are just like everyone else, we have our flaws and we go through tough periods like anyone. I think this personal connection is inspiring and important to try to stick to as an artist! We all started somewhere, and as a role model and mental coach I follow knows as Johannes Hansen says: ”All progress began with an ordinary person who was also nervous.”

8 – As indie artists, what are your biggest struggles?

COY Swede: Time, I need more time for just creating music. It’s a big task to handle everything yourself as an indie producer. That being said I don’t complain, it’s just facts and everyone else knows that! Another struggle is the music scams out there that promise things but delivers nothing. So you need to be careful with that.

Camila: I would say that my personal biggest difficulty has been combining music with my studies. I am studying the third year of medicine, which means more than 10 hours of constant studying daily at least to pass with good grades and succeed as a doctor. For me, you create time for what you prioritize anyway, so replacing other things in my everyday life with music has just like training been pure therapy for me, especially in 2020 with the pandemic.

9 – Have you ever wanted to give up on your music career?

COY Swede: No way, it’s part of my life and has been since birth.

Camila: Since the day I chose to pursue my career in medicine over music, I have done neither or I am a hopeless optimist who sees all possibilities in front of obstacles in this world! So I have always been open to keeping up with music on the side and sang when the time was right but mostly covers for my followers or Youtube. Giving up music completely, however… never, that does not exist in my world and I do not even want that idea in the grave.

10 – I’m so excited to hear it, how would you describe your upcoming single in just three words?

COY Swede: Ah… thank you for that question, Erick! None better than me…! ;-) And that message is for you out there, you are the best version of it! So go and pre-save this amazing fresh soul vibe EDM track today! It’s for you!

Camila: Oh, as previously mentioned, I love this song! It is so simple but still, you take it to yourself and can relate it in so many ways! 3 words… Hope, power, and festival nights!


COY Swede

Camila Carballo

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
