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How Electronic Music Affect Your Academic Performance



academic performance

Almost every person likes to listen to music at least from time to time. Many students are fond of music and gladly listen to it when they do their homework. As a result, many educators claim that listening to music only distracts attention and lowers academic performance. On the contrary, other people think that listening to electronic music positively affects students. Therefore, we have decided to study this interesting case and share the results we have received.

We would like to notify that we don’t talk about music education. We concentrate on listening to any genre of music while students learn. However, a study conducted by Dr. Nina Kraus from Northwestern University shows positive outcomes for students. Music education helps to improve speech processing, reading skills, and recognition of words. Our article will shed some light on listening to music and not playing any musical instrument.

Positive Effects

First of all, we would like to assure you that electronic music has positive effects. They are manifested in different ways. A lot depends on the conditions, which were created while the studies were carried out. Personal preferences and moods of students ought to be included as well.

This interesting method was studied in many countries. Many of them took place in India. The evidence shows that students combat stress faster and more effectively. It’s vital for proper focus on their academic tasks and duties. Besides, listening to music enhances concentration.

A series of researches in England also revealed positive outcomes for students and their performance. One took place in a Bradford primary school. Pupils listened to music six hours per week. The results were impressive. Some seven years ago, this school fell behind the country standards by 3.2%. After the implementation of music listening, the gains of pupils increased by amazing 74%! This point is even higher than the national average and beats it by 21%! Thanks to a proper focus on tasks, pupils get rid of distractions and clear their thoughts. Some musical compositions entertain them and improve mood. Accordingly, their brains work faster and more productively. The best achievements were reported in mathematics, writing, and reading.

Dopamine brain

Studies conducted in the United States of America also show the healing power of electronic music. It affects the mental focus of people and improves their will. Students are more inspired and energetic. It becomes easier to focus on a concrete task without delays and losing attention. Although such lessons are not confirmed by the government, students can listen to music at home.
If you are surrounded by many annoying noises, putting on headsets and listening to your favorite music is a good way out. We want to pay your attention to the word “favorite”. Some researches reported a contrary outcome. Students didn’t gain anything at all because they were given music genres they don’t like.

Negative Effects

We cannot deny the results that show the opposite consequences. Listening to electronic music has negative consequences too. Students failed to maintain focus and couldn’t perform their assignments at all. The main issue was the genre of music. All people are different and have different musical tastes. Thus, 15 out of 30 students may love pop-music and the rest may prefer rock, rap, and other genres. Consequently, positive results will be reported in students who listened to their favorite music. Other participants had a decrease in academic performance.

It’s also utterly hard to read or memorize a poem if you listen to tracks with lyrics. Our hearing catches other words and automatically tries to focus on them too. As a result, everything goes a mess. Of course, students can gain a lot when they listen to their favorite tracks. Nevertheless, they aren’t allowed doing that on exams. Therefore, the recreation of the environment is impossible.


We can surely say that all the studies, which were conducted to investigate this matter, are insufficient. Studies that prove negativism from electronic music can be refuted due to the lack of consistent evidence. The same can be said about studies with positive outcomes. Why is this case so complicated?

There are too many factors, which affect the process of researching this method. Most of these factors are uncontrolled. Some assignments and subjects can be easily accompanied by musical supervision. Other assignments and more complex subjects lead to the worsening of academic performance.

Susan Hallam and Carey Godwin say that one should take into account the mood of students, their personal music choices, age, learning abilities, and so on. However, we also understand that listening to music may help students to gain better results. Future studies will surely shed more light on this particular issue.

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Listening to music while we learn has two possible outcomes. It will either help to gain more or willfully distract you. Everything depends on a person, a concrete assignment, an academic subject, the environment, and a few other factors. It is disallowed during classes but if it brings positive effects for you, apply this method when you do your homework.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.