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Interview | Questions & Answers With Danu5ik



was born to make music and knows a lot about this art. His most recent album ‘Synthonization’ features an original EDM sound + rich instrumentation. I invite you to discover a little more about his life and this new record with the exclusive interview below.

1 — When exactly did your journey as a music producer start?

I actually started producing music when I was 15 in music class. This was usually during the lunch breaks when all the rest of the kids were outside playing. My old music teacher had a Keyboard synthesizer hooked up to a monitor and I have no clue what software he used, but I was able to come up with electronic sounds that had an ambient/trance feel.

He always showcased what I created to the other kids and this added to what musical experiences I already had, as I learned to play guitar by myself and the violin. I picked up piano later and am still learning.

2 — In the beginning, who were your musical inspirations?

My musical inspirations were quite scattered in the beginning based on where I grew up. I listened to a lot of Snoop Dogg, Method Man, Tupac and the rest later in school, but then at home there was a lot of Miles Davis, Fats Domino, Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra, and of course Bob Marley. I remember buying the Annie Lennox ‘Diva’ album because I thought the arrangement of songs were truly moving. Turns out that the other kids at school found my CD and completely ridiculed me for having it. At the time it was really hurtful, but then I learned that no one should tell you who you should or shouldn’t listen to and my library of music exploded with artists from all around the world that I discovered and loved their work.

3 — For people who may just be getting to know Danu5ik, can you tell us why we should listen to your music?

My sound is quite unique, yet at the same time has similar styles to Avicii (Tim Bergling) and Daft Punk. For those who are just getting to know my music I feel that if you love dance and electronic music and want to experience something new then I have something to offer their musical palate.

4 — Were you going for a specific sound on your new album ‘Synthonization’?

I was looking to create more of an emphasis on the many instruments that were involved throughout the various songs on the album. There are a few tracks such as “Far” where you can hear the guitar predominantly keeping you hooked on the song and “Stay” was me playing around with the piano.

5 — What’s probably the best track in this new material? Why?

There are a lot of great tracks on the album, so it’s a difficult question, however, for me, I would have to pick either “Run Away” or “Far”.

6 — Did you collaborate with other artists on ‘Synthonization’?

I didn’t collaborate with other artists on this album but I am always open to see what collaborations will turn up in the future.

danu5ik interview
7 — Can you give us more details about the ‘Synthonization’ tour?

We are currently getting the ‘Synthonization’ tour setup and we hope that it takes place from August 2018 straight through 2019.

8 — What can we expect from your live shows?

Energy… crazy amounts of energy, tons of great sounds and who knows what other surprises.

9 — How do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I like to take one day at a time, as you can never tell what may happen, so 10 years is a big stretch for me. However, I would like to see myself still creating great music and live performances.

10 — Finally, is there anything exciting you would like to share with our readers?

Don’t forget to show your support and download your copy of ‘Synthonization’ at



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
