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Interview | Questions & Answers With KenKode



Interview | Questions & Answers With KenKode
Most of the artists that have transcended to other borders have a reputation for being bizarre. The eccentric ones make wonderful and creative music, and I think this will be the case of our interviewee KenKode. Discover more about this enigmatic character and his Electronica project down here! 

1 – How did you learn to produce music?

I started doing music fifteen years ago, a dear friend taught me the basics and then I continued alone as self-taught. I continued using virtual instruments until 2009, then I started designing my music with analog machines. I had discovered a way to make my music sound more organic and improved its quality. It was also more exciting because I started applying the effects normally used for punk and rock music such as distortion pedals and heavy analog compressors. The result was a completely new, dirty and aggressive sound that contradicts Cyberpunkers and naturally evolved into KenKode.

2 – How would you describe your musical style?

It’s a hybrid of so many genres of music and moods. There’s a lot of 90’s electronic and indie rock. In the past it was characterized by a few stems but enormous, now it’s still huge but more complicated, totally not involved in the sound or metric standardization. The atmospheres are almost dark, bizarre and melancholic but at the same time full of energy. Distorted synths and heavy compressions are always present in my tracks. I don’t like trends, my tracks are always the result of my strong emotions translated into music as it should be if you have respect for music.

3 – What is your favorite electronic track of all time?

I’ve been feeding on The Prodigy, Bjork, and the old Daft Punk stuff but there is no track in particular that comes to my mind. In the last two years, I listen a lot to Lorn and Tobacco. They are a source of inspiration for me.

kenkode music
4 – Why did you decide to leave the Cyberpunkers project and start a solo career as KenKode?

 I did not leave Cyberpunkers. After 10 years of madness, we decided to take a break just for the musical productions. We’re still doing shows. I have decided to launch KenKode because for a long time I felt the need to explore new sounds and horizons without having any kind of filter and with a fresh eye.

5 – How long did it take you to make your new Electronica track “MK Ultra”?

In order to be able to create my sound, I spent a big amount of time focusing on sound design with my analog synthesizers and drum machines. I spent about a year to create a personal big present library that I’m using today to create the future tracks of KenKode. When I do a track, the longest part of my work is dealing with finding the right atmosphere through the bassline and melodies that I have in mind. Once I’ve done this I deal with the rest accordingly. All this process takes something like two weeks.

6 – Where did you get the vocal samples? Can you tell us more about it? 

The “MK Ultra” sample comes from a real testimony during a process of a victim who has undergone mind control experimentation during the 60’/70′ in the USA. there is a lot of this material on the net especially on the Deep Web.

7 – Do you think is it possible to control people’s mind with music?

Absolutely yes. It has been happening every day since a long time. Music in its primordial form is a state of being and it’s a 360 degree show for the listener. Especially if the artist accompanies his music with hot performances. Sometimes the listener suffers a kind of “falling in love” state that may result in the obsession that motivates him to reason in a certain way, especially in younger subjects. Yes, it mind controls but however, this is out of our control as musicians.

8 – Do drugs make music producers more creative?

Many artists use drugs to speed up their creativity. I think it to be a huge mistake because in this way we get to make music in a state of over-excitement that in the long-term risks to block creativity and even worst getting to a point in which you can’t do music without being on drugs. If you have the music inside for real you don’t need anything, just to know what you have to do in order to translate your visions into music.

9 – What has been your career highlight?

I spent 10 awesome years in Cyberpunkers. Even if it was an underground project it brought us around the world playing our shows. Fans have given a lot of energy and love in recent years. Maybe we can consider ourselves as one of the chief of Electro movement in Europe from 2009 to 2013 with Crookers, Boys Noize, Justice, EdBanger crew and The Bloody Beetroots. This year we took our first golden disk thanks to the collaboration with the rapper Salmo. I can feel satisfied and I hope to receive some attention also for the new project.

10 – What can we expect from your future releases? Where exactly can we listen to your music?

The future KenKode releases will be grouped in two different styles.

– To Listen saga:

Like “The Primordial Soup” and “MK Ultra” in which I allow myself to go beyond sound or metric standardizations. Bizarre and experimental sounds are the key points. It’s the craziest part of this project.

The frustration of having to follow all the rules created by the market and trends imposed by the system is over.

– To Rave saga:

Powerful tracks, designed for dancefloors. Also with original heavy sounds and a lot of oddities but with much more groove for raving. Almost all the tracks will be released on my creepy label “KK62636”.

You will be able to listen everything on Spotify and SoundCloud, of course also on my socials. Some super bizarre contents will be added soon to discover and  interpretate some cryptic information that I’ll divulge from my socials.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.