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Interview | Questions & Answers With Kristy Chmura



Interview | Questions & Answers With Kristy Chmura
Kristy Chmura
is an American artist known for her creativity with a focus on the harp. Combining this instrument, intimate lyrics and emotive vocals will certainly arouse curiosity. In fact, I enjoyed this interview and would like to highlight her music offers a one-of-a-kind experience!

1 – What makes Kristy Chmura’s music so unique?

My instrumentation makes my music unique because my main instrument is my harp and my voice arranged with different sonic textures including ambient guitars and a solid rhythm section, etc. I also think my songwriting tends to be more eclectic in nature. Plus, like Dr. Seuss says, “there is no one alive who is youer than you”, so in that spirit just being myself makes my music so unique.

2 – How long did it take you to learn to play the classical harp?

I started taking harp lessons when I was about 13 years old. I wasn’t always the best student. I was not always a fan of practicing, but I eventually committed myself to my craft whole heartedly and decide to become a Music major in college as a harpist. I’m always trying to push myself to get better at my instrument, and I will still take lessons with my teacher even now from time to time. You can never stop learning, it’s an ongoing process.

3 – What can you tell us about your new single “Nothing’s Right”?

“Nothing’s Right” is a very personal song, the lyrics came right out of my journal. It represents a time in my life when I hit a dark period where I felt like there’s no escaping the negativity, and everything is wrong with me. In psychology they call it all or nothing thinking; you are actually stuck within your own complex. Writing and music are some of the tools that lead me out of those dark places. If you want to recover from such a thought process I believe you have let yourself work through it one way or another for the healing to occur. This song became a place for me to store away those negative emotions and get out of my own head.

4 – Why do you think the Schiff Nature Preserve was the ideal location for filming your latest music video?

It’s a beautiful location with wooded areas, a meadow and even a cool amphitheater within the woods. Schiff Nature Preserve had everything I was visualizing when I was brainstorming a concept for the video. I know it’s cliché but I was using the woods as a visual metaphor for depicting the meaning of the song. We all know the saying “we’re not out of the woods yet.” My sister is actually the person who recommended the preserve to me because she works at the preserve as part of their Summer Nature Program. So she knew the site very well, and when I described to her the type of location I was looking for to shoot my video, she said Schiff Nature Preserve would be perfect. I’m glad we shot the video there, the staff was great and I love being able to support a local nature preserve because protecting open spaces and wildlife is something I am also passionate about.

5 – Where did you get your love for writing those haunting lyrics?

Thank you for that compliment first of all J I write from my gut. I notice most people don’t really want to hear the sad things that are going on in my life or mind, most of the time, but I need an outlet for these types of emotions. Otherwise, they really begin to weigh me down. So I always turned to writing during those times. I feel once I turn my emotions into a song, I’ve finally said what I couldn’t say in words alone. So I guess my love for writing haunting lyrics really came from within.

kristy chmura interview
6 – Do you prefer to write happy music or dark music? Why?

Dark music, same reasons that I mentioned before in the question above. Writing is very therapeutic for me. I don’t tend to brood over happiness, happiness is a feeling that once its there I just want to feel it and not over think it. But dark matters of the heart, they have a way of sticking around longer, and if I don’t sort it out artistically I’m not a fun person to be around. Thank God for the arts!

7 – Are you planning live shows in 2018?

Yes, there are plans for live shows in 2018. I am having my album release show on Friday, January 19th at Mondo in Summit NJ. There will be more shows to follow, but I don’t have those details right now. People can always check out my website, or follow me on social media, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, to stay in the loop about upcoming live performances.

8 – Can you reveal the name of your next single?

The whole album is coming out on January 19th! The album is called, “Stained…Glass Heart”. I can’t say which song will be the next new music video just yet; I’m tossing around a few ideas in my head, but haven’t made up my mind yet.

9 – What’s one song you will never skip on your playlist?

That is a tough question… the original ”We Are The World”; it’s such a powerful song delivered with so much emotion.

10 – If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting a music career, what would it be?

Look in the mirror and ask yourself am I resilient? A music career takes so much resilience, and if you want a chance at making your mark out there you need to stay strong, work hard, and take chances.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
