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Interview | Questions & Answers With Thomas Passon



Thomas Passon
Check out this must-read interview with German artist Thomas Passon, to learn more about his authentic music. Not so long ago, he dropped the Electronica-Rock single for “Los”. Clearly, you will notice he loves to experiment with beats, riffs, voices, and effects. Scroll down in order to watch his brand new black-and-white video. Happy reading!

1 — First of all, what made you want to become a singer?

I never wanted to become a singer. I’m a guitarist and producer and I quite liked the role in my former band. But I realised that it could be easier for the whole production process to sing myself and I grew fond of it.

2 — Which is your favorite track from your latest album ‘Illusion’? Why?

That would be the title song “Illusion”. I just like how it evolves. It’s a complete turn from an electronic verse to an all-rock chorus. It’s something I do often but in my opinion, it works particularly well on Illusion.

3 — Did things go as planned with this album or lots of changes were made?

There was no plan. I started off with riffs and beats, puzzled them together into very rough instrumentals. We then paid attention to the mood the songs created and wrote the lyrics. Writing and recording is basically a single step for us.

Thomas Passon interview
4 — Do you feel your music appeals more to a German-speaking audience?

Of course, it is more appealing to German speakers, for them there is the dimension of lyrics in it. But nevertheless music is universal, we grew up listening to a lot of American and English bands without being able to understand the lyrics. You have to let the music talk to you.

I decided to sing in German because I not only feel more confident in German, I can better play with the little nuances of that language, but also because I like the sound of it. German is very percussive, that is especially good in parts where you want to have the vocals spoken or overemphasized but it could be a challenge when you actually need to sing a melody, so many consonants.

5 — I noticed your new single “Los” is highly influenced by electronic music. What made you go in that direction?

All my music is highly influenced by electronic sounds. I like that type of music. I like it to be cold and constructed and it’s something that electronic sounds can deliver. But every time I listen to an electronic song I’m waiting for the guitar to kick in, I feel that a bit of rock can give a song a good portion of extra energy.

6 — What exactly is the meaning of the lyrics for “Los”?

“Los” translates as “Go”. The song is about eagerly awaiting something to happen that will change your life. But don’t expect a story. Usually, I just want to paint pictures with words. Lyrical splinters, moments in time.

7 — What countries have you already visited with your band on tour?

My solo project is brand new. At the moment I don’t have any gigs lined up but I’m working on it.

8 — What new places would you love to play your music at?

Everywhere is a good place. Let’s see if any good opportunities arise.

9 — What is your ritual before you perform on stage?

I would say a warm-up followed by a few minutes of absolute silence and concentration. But in reality, I worry about the tech, hoping that everything works.

10 — Any special advice you would like to share with people who want to start their own band?

It is quite a commitment, something you put your passion in and not always being honored for. Make the music you want to listen to and be the best you can be, there is at least one soul on that planet that will enjoy it.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.