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Luchi’s “Like This” Raises Questions About Instant Love – Interview



instant love
Glasgow singer-songwriter Luchi has dropped an exciting Pop song that dives into the idea of instant love. This theme, so common in our lives, has sparked a lot of questions over time and continues to inspire music. Discover more about his perspective and listen to the new single, “Like This, in this interview.

1 — Did the success of “Web of Lies” put any extra stress on you while working on “Like This”?

When I’m working on new music, I try not to put stress on myself to create something particular or chase a hit because that takes away the authenticity of writing. Songwriting for me is very natural and my favourite part so I like to park all the stress and expectations and just enjoy the process of writing. I think as well they are very different songs in terms of style and story so they stand in their own lanes.

2 — So, you started “Like This” with just a guitar. Is that your go-to instrument for songwriting, or do you also play piano?

No, not at all. Usually, it’s piano I start with but this song started with a guitar riff that I could hear in my head that was kind of Latin esc, and in my head I could envisage being on a beach with a guitar singing this song to someone, my imagination is very vivid when I am writing.

There is a Latin, Ricky Martin esc demo version of this song that will never see the light of day and be buried in the archives but I love that the song lent itself to so many different styles and sounded just as good stripped back as well as fully produced like you hear it today. Those are usually the best songs in my opinion.

3 — Was there a particular aspect of Chris Stagg’s work that surprised you during the creation of this new single?

I wouldn’t say anything particularly surprised me as I’ve worked with Chris for so many years now that we kind of bounce off each other really well and the stage of bringing the song from demo form to the full version is always exciting.

We went back and forth with many ideas for this song, some worked, some didn’t but that’s all part of the production process. I guess I’m always shocked at how I can present an idea or demo to him and he just gets where I am going without me having to say much and we are both the kind of people who just say “let’s try it” to any idea.

4 — Does “Like This” accurately reflect your own experiences with instant love? Who’s the lucky person who inspired it?

Haha well, I don’t like to talk about my personal life as I let my songs do the talking but yeah, instant love is an interesting topic for me and the song is a real-life experience. All I’ll say on that is that I am happy just now, read into that what you want haha.

When you meet someone it’s like you have known them all your life and it’s your souls that meet rather than your bodies. Even though I write a lot of breakup and heartache songs, I’m a romantic at heart and people always say my music is vulnerable because I talk about the deep stuff and this is also showing another side of vulnerability as falling in love can leave you exposed too.

You’re opening up to someone and I love the line in it “I’m usually the one who’s always happy alone, but I miss you when you go home” because that is so true for me. I am fiercely independent and love my alone time but sometimes you find someone who breaks through that.

Songs about instant love “Like This” by Luchi
5 — How do you differentiate between instant attraction and instant love?

I guess that love grows and attraction stays on the same level in my opinion. Infatuation and attraction are when you find somebody who is absolutely perfect and it’s instant gratification, the dopamine is high and it’s flooding your brain all the time.

Love is when you realise that they aren’t actually perfect but it doesn’t matter because you grow together and learn from each other and some of those things become the things you love about them. It’s when you have a disagreement but you talk about it and work it out, it’s when you feel safe enough to be your whole self and not just the representative version of yourself that most of us show at the early stages, it’s the I’m here if you need to talk texts.

It’s about building something that works for you both and finding the joy in the little things.

6 — Is instant love something that can last, or do you think it’s just a quick buzz?

I think that all relationships require work and both parties have to show up to do that work. Yes, you get that quick buzz at the start as you are falling in love but staying in love requires you to want to stick around during the harder times.

The times when you’re going through something difficult and your partner is there for you and supports you in the way they you need them to or just holds your hand while you cry, even in the good moments, the thoughtful moments where they do something unexpected that comes from the heart or the text me when you’re home message as they want you to be safe, we all want the good moments where you’re laughing and it’s plain sailing but the most authentic love comes in other times, in my opinion.

So yeah I think it can last but not as it is at the start, you have to put in the work and find someone that is worth putting in the effort for.

7 — What do you think is the key to a lasting relationship?

For me, it’s the ability to be your whole self in a relationship that makes it last. You have to accept one another as a whole and love all the parts of them, even the parts that aren’t wrapped up in pretty packaging.

True love isn’t found in fairytales from our childhood, the “happily ever after” thing really sells us a false narrative of love. I’ve made that mistake before and fallen in love with how someone made me feel rather than who they are and then when that feeling changes, your brain goes into overdrive because then you see that it was a fantasy of love and not true love but you learn from it and when you go into something new, yes, enjoy the high at the start but learn the person, not just the feelings.

I read something recently that after death, the human brain lives on for 7 minutes to replay its best memories and I think that if the person you’re with is going to be part of that 7 minutes, then you’re onto a winner.

Luchi 2024 interview
8 — What emotions do you hope listeners will feel when they hear “Like This”?

I hope it either transports them back to that time of falling in love and brings back all those warm feelings and reminds them of a happy time or if they are falling in love, send it to their new partner as I love doing that, things like this song reminds me of us always makes me smile.

The joy, the rush of emotions when you get a message from them, the big smile that comes across your face when you are with them and it’s clear for everyone to see that you are falling in love, those are the things I want to evoke in people with this song.

9 — Why do you think people can relate so easily to the feeling of falling in love?

Because we’ve all been there. It’s part of life, you fall in love in all different ways through life but it’s a high that you remember. Who doesn’t want that rush of dopamine, that smile that hurts your cheeks, the glow of happiness?

As I said, I’m a hopeless romantic at heart and it’s one of the best feelings in the world but just remember to engage the logical brain too haha. I’m romantic but a realist too.

10 — Are there any social or political issues that you’d like to address in your next songs?

I mean the world is on fire, right? I haven’t tended to go down that route because I do stand in the camp of the world needs more love and compassion rather than division and while I make my social and political views clear and I’m not afraid to stand for something that I believe in, it’s not something that’s on the cards right now, though never say never.

I tackle things in a different way, my songs try to focus on feelings and not facts so yeah, my standpoint is let’s come together rather than divide and if we all showed some more love, compassion, and understanding, then it would be a better world to live in.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.