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ManBands – The New Mens’ Essential For Guys With Long Hair



Wind back over a decade ago and football enthusiasts will remember Football Fashion Icon David Beckham constantly setting the bar with his unique hair styles and attire. Some were seasonal fads others were global trendsetters, but one that many thought wouldn’t catch-on was the infamous Men’s Alice Band.

Forward to today and we have ManBands –a unique and distinguished e-store truly dedicated to providing men’s hair bands and headband accessories. One of the greatest collections with the widest of choices of designs whether it be for sports fashion or casual wear.

ManBands, based in London, UK has been trading since 2006 after the founder spotted a gap in the market. Facing the same old question that many guys go through; shall I grow my hair? will it suit me? How long? It’s only once those hoops have been jumped through that biggest issue arises, what can I use to help control my long hair?

Bar the obvious, of using tubs of hair gel or tying it in a pony tail, you quickly realise this isn’t always practical or resilient when you need to hit the gym, play football or nip out to the shops. The only other option was to dip into a ladies accessories department or pinching your sister’s Alice band.

Now ManBands has provided the perfect solution, a collection of specially selected hair accessories for guys delivered straight to your door. ManBands prides itself in sourcing products which will suit men and not compromise on their masculinity. The proof lies in its global customer base as far wide as Australia, Canada, US and the India.

With changing perceptions and more and more celebrities and sporting stars pulling off the look don’t be surprised to see guys have Manbands as parts of their Essentials collection. Get your style, get your look only from

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.