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Sonomancer Talks Electronic Music And “Digital Graves” In Interview



is an innovative producer from Australia who prefers that his underground melodies speak for themselves. He reveals a little about his music journey as well as the sonic pleasures around the new single “Digital Graves.” An interview you don’t want to miss out on reading!

1 — Let’s start with a little introduction for our readers. When did you get interested in electronic music?

I’ve been interested in electronic music since I was a kid – mainly in computer and video game soundtracks. Also, one of the very first albums I listened to was a compilation of early House music. I was fascinated by the range of sounds and samples and how they all fit together.

2 — How did all start for you as a producer?

With the first sequencer I owned – Music, for the Playstation! I wrote my first track on there… and I was hooked. I really felt like I found my passion.

3 — Could you share some songs which you think can represent your influences?

Sure! “Papua New Guinea” by Future Sound of London, “Halcyon” by Orbital, “Canada” by CoLD SToRAGE, and “Breathe” by The Prodigy.

4 — Do you believe underground music is better than mainstream? If so, why?

That’s a really good question, especially for today, because a friend told me recently that they felt all music had moved underground in a way. If I was to give an answer, I would say that music is infinitely better when the artist has more freedom to express themselves and create something new, and ultimately you’re much more likely to find that with underground artists.

5 — Your latest single, “Digital Graves” feels kinda hypnotic. What is the reason for this?

Initially, it just kind of fell together that way as I was going along, but when the theme started to crystallize it became very deliberate. It just felt right for it to sound like it was coming from outer space or something with big reverbs all over the place.

6 — Did you also design the cool animations and illustrations for the visuals?

I wish I could do that too! I have no idea how to create visuals. I’m all about the sound. When it came to the visuals I had an idea of how I wanted it to look, a surreal black and white animation, but as for the execution of it… that was all down to a very talented animator called Fried. He did such a good job with translating the music and lyrics into images – I think he nailed it and I couldn’t have asked for something better.

7 — What’s your favorite part of the lyrics?

I honestly love all of the lyrics Martha put together, but if I had to pick a favourite part or line it would have to be ‘but now you’re locked in my screen’ because it works on multiple levels.

8 — Why did you decide to work with singer Martha Goddard?

That voice. Seriously. As soon as I heard it I knew that she would be a perfect fit. The thing is, that would have been enough, but she wrote the amazing lyrics too, recorded her lead and backing vocals so they sounded great… She is just ridiculously talented!

9 — If you could go back to the studio, what would you edit or change on “Digital Graves”?

Ah, I sometimes think I’d like to make the starting synth a bit louder. I like dynamics in my songs, but I feel like I went a little too far at the start and it’s too quiet. This is a shame because that synth is awesome! That’s me though.

10 — What can listeners expect from Sonomancer in 2022?

Lots more music and videos! I’m loving working on everything and getting my music out there and there is nothing like the feeling of people, from all over the world, listening to and (hopefully) liking what I do.

I’m also planning on releasing an album towards the end of the year. I’m pretty excited about that too.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
