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The Best AI-Animated Video Ever Created By PNAU & Empire Of The Sun



The surprising union of Electro-Pop wizards, PNAU, and the iconic Empire Of The Sun, gives birth to the coolest AI-animated video ever created for their new single, “AEIOU.Sincerely, I think it’s gonna be a big hit!

Of course, this is also an exciting preview of what’s on the horizon with PNAU’s upcoming album ‘Hyperbolic,’ due to bless our ears in early 2024. Beyond that, “AEIOU” marks Empire Of The Sun’s long-awaited return after seven years of silence too.

The synergy between these two musical powerhouses is not a mere coincidence. Nick Littlemore, the talented songwriter and producer, has been an integral part of both PNAU and Empire of the Sun. PNAU, comprising Peter Mayes and Sam Littlemore, finds its fiery spirit in Luke Steele, who tirelessly leads Empire Of The Sun.

Definitely, “AEIOU” will lead you to the dancefloor as it feels fresh, dreamy, and loud at the same time.

AI-animated video

What’s more, this AI-animated video has the potential to produce a deeply immersive experience. Indeed, the whole clip takes you on a robotized adventure in a virtual but wild jungle, resonating with the song’s underlying message – the idea of preserving the purity within ourselves, often symbolized as the ‘garden of Eden,’ in a world that sometimes seems destined to corrupt it.

At a point in history when music and technology consistently converge, “AEIOU” stands as a compelling example of the boundless possibilities in artistic self-expression.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.