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The Practical Guide To Use Feng Shui In Your Music Studio



feng shui
Feng Shui is a powerful tool to improve your way of life, and let’s be frank; most singers and producers spend a lot of their time in the music studio. Believe it or not, your workspace for creating songs has the ability to help your productivity or hurt it.

For centuries, people have been implementing the art of Feng Shui to increase the levels of energy, happiness, or creativity. In more recent times, I have started to realize the importance of doing this at home and recording scenarios as well.

Enjoy this practical guide and transform your music studio into a better working environment. Learn some basic principles right here.

Feng Shui decoration

1 – Studio Desk Position

This is perhaps one of the easiest things you can do, but understanding where to place your studio desk can be a little more challenging. Consider a few important rules when deciding where to place your centerpiece.

First of all, you need a full view of the entrance. The last thing you want is your back to the door, so when choosing where to place your studio desk, consider this principle carefully.

Second, position your atelier further away from the door, but not in direct line with the door. Also, try your hardest not to place your studio desk where you will be directly facing a wall, but in the event that you must, there are ways to choose appropriate artwork to help make the wall a friendlier view.

I recommend wooden desks because they represent career growth and development. According to Feng Shui, natural wood also stimulates your creative skills.

Gold Feng Shui compass
Lastly, you can download an app directly onto your mobile called Feng Shui Compass. It will tell you the luckiest location for almost everything by just entering your birth date.

2 – Clear And Organize Your Clutter

Nothing is more stressful than to walk into your music studio and not be able to see your MIDI Controller because of the piles of papers and other stuff that are stacked on it. Take a few hours and find an organizational solution that will work for you.

Always try to keep things neat in your cave. Open shelving systems, filing cabinets, and baskets can be the best solution

If you already have a filing cabinet or some other form of organization system, but it’s still a cluttered mess, try considering why you don’t use the current system in place.

Does it require you to do extra work? If so, try revamping it to make it less complicated and easy to use.

3 – Air Quality

The air in your music studio really can change the way you feel about your compositions. There are different plants that are specifically considered air-purifying flora.

They will help improve the quality of air in your space. Discover the four best options below.

– Areca Palm – This great little plant will remove all indoor air toxins from your space. It is very popular both for its look and for its uses. It’s easy to care for and gives a nice soft look to the room.

– Lady Palm – Also easy to care for, this plant will remove most indoor pollutants.

– Rubber Plant – This plant will remove most pollutants, one of its features is that it can survive in low light and cold temperatures. So if your music studio has few windows to let in natural light, this is a great option for you.

– Dracaena Janet Craig – This plant will also remove most indoor pollutants, and it is easy to grow and maintain. Like the rubber plant, this one does well in low light levels.

 There are plenty of others that can do the job, too.

4 – Light Quality

Perhaps when you consider the light in your workspace you believe that you have little control over it. So, if you have windows, make sure to utilize them to their full extent.

Keep curtains or blinds open, giving you the natural light from outside. Often during the daytime, the natural light from outside is enough to light a music studio.

You wouldn’t even need to turn on your lights most days. In the event that you don’t have enough windows, or the natural light isn’t giving you enough light, you have the option of adding a few lamps to your space.

Improve this by adding light that feels natural. According to Feng Shui, this principle allows energy to flow freely.

5 – A Solid Wall

The most important thing is to have a good solid wall behind you, and good paint color to help produce more energy. Of course,  you may not want to paint your wall bright red, even though your back faces the fire region of your space.

Despite this, you can still add a bold piece of artwork that exemplifies the fire element’s colors. Take in mind, Chinese Astrologers don’t recommend implementing red colors in your environment if there’s an excess of the fire element in your birth chart.

Certainly, each music studio is different, and may or may not be able to fully implement every principle of Feng Shui, but starting with the basics, like bringing in a plant and organizing your clutter, can lead to a happier productive work environment.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
