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Which Type Of Guitars For Beginners You Should Buy



type of guitars
Playing an instrument is a wonderful thing. You can express a lot of feelings through music. Some people practice an instrument even from early age. This is how you get really good. However, it’s never too late to start playing an instrument. You just need to devote yourself entirely to the learning process and in no time, you’ll be playing all kinds of songs. There are a lot of instruments to choose from.

Let’s talk about guitars. The guitar is a beautiful instrument whether acoustic or electric. You can definitely learn how to play it, if you focus on learning the chords and practicing constantly. You can even get a teacher to help you out and guide you through the process. Or, you can watch online tutorials and figure out the technique yourself. But first, you need to buy a guitar to start practicing. There are thousands of designs and brands to choose from. You can’t just walk into a store and pick any guitar. You need to do some research to pick out the best one for beginners. Here are some of the things you should look for:

Quality Sound

The best way to find out if you are on the right track is to listen to the sound the guitar is making. You might not be very good at playing in the beginning, but with time you will get better. You need to make sure that the guitar is delivering quality sound. Otherwise, what would be the point? Once you walk into a store you can test out some of them. Or, you can have someone test them out for you since you haven’t start playing yet. The seller will be more than willing to help you find the perfect guitar for a beginner. Make sure to check out the top 5 guitars for beginners online as well. The results can be quite helpful for someone that looks for the perfect instrument.

bass tabs
Also, the best choice for starters would be to get an acoustic one. You can’t just jump to an electric one without knowing how to play. The acoustic one can produce a beautiful sound as well. You just need to pick the right one and start practicing. Make sure to consult the Internet for more information about the type and brand you need. Also, if you have a musically gifted friend or relative, you should ask for a recommendation from them. It will be much easier to pick out a model this way.


It’s your first guitar. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on it. Usually, the price on guitars depends on the design, the brand and the type of the instrument. Electric ones are much pricier than acoustic ones. If you are a beginner then you need to look for something more affordable. Luckily, acoustic guitars can be really cheap and practical. You don’t necessarily have to pick out the cheapest one, but you don’t have to spend a lot of money on something you will use to practice on. Once you get really good, then you can move on to the more expensive instruments.

You can walk into a store and browse through different prices or you can check online on a site that sells them. Either way, you will definitely pick out a good model to start practicing one. Some guitars have it in their descriptions that they are perfect for beginners. Look for that as well. You can order the instrument online as well. If a guitar catches your attention from browsing online, then you should buy it. Just make sure that it suits your budget. Check out the link for more helpful information


Guitars can be really heavy. But you should get one that is lightweight for starters. This way, you can take it anywhere with you. If you have a lesson you need to get to, you can just pick the instrument up and carry it with you. Also, if your friends are throwing a party and you want to show off your skills, then you can take the instrument with you and play them some music. How cool is that? Acoustic ones are usually a lot lighter than electric ones. You should definitely pick an acoustic one. You won’t regret it.

Moreover, some of them gorgeous designs made from different types of wood. If you care about that stuff, then you would be really happy to know that you have a variety of options to choose from. Just make sure to pick the right one for beginners. You can take it anywhere you please because they don’t weigh much. Once you get better, then you can change your guitars. You can look for other options. Either way, as a beginner it is important that you can maneuver it quite easily. Lightweight guitars are the perfect option for those looking to become really good players. Any person that plays the instrument can advise you on that. Check out this page for more.

Waterproof qualities

If you want your instrument to last for a longer period without getting damaged, then you need to pick a waterproof guitar. This way, if you accidentally spill something on it, it won’t ruin the surface. Even if someone else accidentally spills something on it, it won’t damage the instrument at all. This is a good option for you because it won’t cause frustration. Imagine having just bought a brand new one and it immediately gets spilled. If it is not waterproof, then the surface might start to rot.

Luckily for any eager musician out there that wants to learn to play the instrument, a lot of them are made with waterproof qualities. You can never be too safe. Make sure to have this option into account because it will definitely protect the surface. You won’t have to look for a new one, if this one stays intact for a long time.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
