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7 Amazing Tips Of How To Take Care Of Your Custom T-Shirt



custom t-shirt
We all have that one favorite custom t-shirt which we would love to wear all-year-round if circumstances would allow. We tend to treasure that custom t-shirt as it does come with great memories.

However, the sad truth is that if not properly taken care of, these custom t-shirts tend to fade away and in some other cases, wrinkle. It has happened to most of us. The good news is that today we shall look at seven amazing tips on how to take care of your t-shirt so that you no longer have to worry about any other discoloration, wrinkle or any fuzzy textures.

💠 Avoid using bleaching detergents

Do you love your custom t-shirt? Do you like the color of your custom t-shirt? If the answer is yes, then you should stay away from bleach detergents. Why? Bleach or any strong detergents will dissolve the adhesive in cad- cut vinyl. Gradually using bleaching detergents or any strong detergents does lead to discoloration of the custom t-shirt.

💠 Use cold water for cleaning purposes

Do you intend your custom t-shirt to last for more extended periods? Then you should use cold water for cleaning purposes. Why? Using warm or hot water does make the color of the custom t-shirt to fade away quickly, and you do not want that. Also, it does interfere with the general texture of the custom t-shirt. Use of cold water does add that extra precaution and care while also prolonging the life span and condition of the custom t-shirt.

We do recommend that you hand wash all of your custom t-shirts. While washing, always turns the t-shirt upside down. Turning your custom t-shirt upside down does help to increase the custom t-shirt life by decreasing the fading of the colours.

💠 Avoid mixing custom t-shirt with a regular t-shirt

You probably saying to yourself, you already know this. As it laundry 101. However, what you did not know that you are not supposed to mix custom t-shirt with clothes that have zips or buttons. Clothes that have zips and buttons can rub against the custom t-shirt, causing more harm than good. In some cases, washing custom t-shirts with dresses that have zips and buttons tend to lead to pilling off the custom prints.

💠 Turn the custom t-shirt upside down while washing in a washing machine

Although we have talked about hand washing your custom t-shirts, the truth is we are all lazy. 90% of those who are reading this article, are probably thinking; who in this time of age has the time to hand wash clothes? If that is the case, you do need to know this. When it comes to washing any custom t-shirt using washer always turn the custom t-shirt inside out. Turning your custom t-shirt inside out does allow for one to properly clean the custom t-shirt without interfering with the colour or the prints.

💠 Avoid using the dryer

We are living in a digital world. While technology has brought so much good into our lives. It does come with its share of misfortunes. When it comes to a custom t-shirt, technology can lead to a decline in the lifespan of the custom t-shirt. While you will be tempted to dry your custom t-shirt using a dryer, never do that. Instead, take your custom t-shirt and place it under a shade. Do not put it under direct sunlight as exposure to sunlight can lead to fading of colour. Also, while drying, hang your custom t-shirt inside out.

💠 Never Iron

We all want to look clean and smart. One way of achieving this is by ironing our clothes. The bad news is that when it comes to custom t-shirt ironing does cause more harm than good.

Generally, custom t-shirts do not do well under high heat. In most cases, ironing does lead to distortion of the beautiful prints on the custom t-shirt. Instead of ironing your custom t-shirt, you can always fold the custom t-shirt and place it strategically place it under your pillow or bed. Your custom t-shirt will look as if it has been ironed. If you do have to iron your custom t-shirt, always place your iron under low heat settings. Also, turn your custom t-shirt inside out while ironing.

💠 Check the Instruction of the custom t-shirt

Each custom t-shirt is made from a variety of materials. With each element having different quality. Always keep in mind that different materials do react differently to soap or water. Understanding this will help you prolong the lifespan of the custom t-shirts. If you have no idea of the quality of the custom t-shirt, always check on the collar. There are usually manufacturing details. Some manufacturers go an extra mile, and they do provide the right instructions on how to properly manage custom t-shirts.


Do you love your custom t-shirt? Maybe it is that one t-shirt that you bought together with your partner. Or it is that t-shirt that you bought while on vacation. Unlike other t-shirts, custom t-shirts do come with a lot of memory. Some may be good, and some may be bad, at the end of the day they are still memories you cherish.

Today we have looked at seven amazing tips of taking care of your custom t-shirts. Hopefully, with our help, you can prolong the lifespan of your custom t-shirt.

Do you have any fantastic tips you would like to share? Share with us in the comment section below. Also, if you do have any questions or feedback, feel free to get in touch with us in our comment section — happy custom t-shirt cleaning.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
