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Daft Punk Had A Baby: The Miracle Story Of DJ Lundi bleu



In the vibrant 18th arrondissement of Paris, a young man named Alex moved with dreams of becoming an actor. His life took an unexpected turn when he discovered the revolutionary sounds of Daft Punk, Justice, and Cassius. Immersed in the local electronic music scene, Alex often encountered stylish figures with long hair and entourages of admirers, sparking a deep curiosity and admiration.

One day, while reading a book in a quaint cafe, a cool guy approached Alex and invited him to visit his studio. Intrigued, Alex accepted the offer. Upon entering the studio, he was astounded by the sight of Grammy statues and photos of the iconic Daft Punk duo, unmasked. This chance encounter marked the beginning of a transformative friendship.

DJ Lundi bleu

As Alex grew closer to this influential crew, they mentored him and nurtured his burgeoning interest in electronic music. Their guidance and connections eventually helped Alex move to the United States, where he aimed to spread the French touch music culture to a wider audience.

Legend has it that the Daft Punk robots integrated an experimental electronic chip into DJ Lundi bleu, creating unique beats that keep listeners dancing all night long. Recently, DJ Lundi bleu released his new track, “Infinity,” made with Grammy-winning engineer Jeremy Loucas using the same machines as Daft Punk. This collaboration showcases his unique sound, continuing the legacy of his legendary influences.

Infinity artwork




Lundi Bleu. (2024). New music video: “INFINITY” on YouTube. Retrieved from [Email communication].

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
