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Drew Ramz Talks New Jam “Luv”, Songwriting & More — Interview



Drew Ramz

Independent rapper Drew Ramz has premiered a new jam you might enjoy titled, “Luv”. Best of all, it’s filled with chill vibes from start to end. I got the opportunity to interview the emerging artist who shares his views on this romantic song, his songwriting approaches, and much more. Happy reading!

1 – As an artist, how have you adjusted to these tough times of pandemic?

2020 has been a wild year. It’s been mentally and physically exhausting each month. In a different light though, it has given me a lot of time to focus on writing music. I took a year away to find myself as an artist and 2020 has taught me that nothing is guaranteed. I have found my voice during these times and I started creating music that I like, compared to the stuff that will make me fit in.

2 – You’ve said in other interviews that you use music to cope with depression. How does the process of music help you?

I am in a constant battle with anxiety and depression. My mind moves at a mile a minute and there are days where it’s hard to focus. Music allows me to express my feelings in ways that I could not normally do. Getting to write down my thoughts to a beat, allows me to express myself to the greatest extent & it eases my mind. I’m super grateful for this outlet.

3 – When it comes to writing lyrics, do you use unconventional methods?

I wouldn’t call them unconventional, I write the thoughts that surround my mind. Whatever I’m feeling that day, I try to write about it. Again, it’s a therapy in a way that allows me to express my inner thoughts freely. I’ve loved writing since I was a kid and my imagination is never-ending. Getting to write lyrics is a great way to tell a story & I love being able to write stories that are true to me and that other people can relate to.

Drew Ramz Interview
4 – What themes inspire you to write lyrics?

I’m a huge believer in love. My wife and children are the greatest things to ever happen to me. A lot of the music I write has to do with my wife Jackie. She is an integral part of my life and without her, I’d be lost. Getting to tell our story through music has been a great adventure. I love that I get to write songs about her, she’s my biggest inspiration.

5 – Why people must listen to your new single “Luv”?

“Luv” is a love letter to my wife Jackie. We all have that one person we cherish in our lives & to me, that’s my wife. Sometimes in relationships, words aren’t enough & for me, I got to write a song dedicated to the girl of my dreams. “Luv” speaks to that audience, the people that miss old school songs that are just about being in love. There’s no talk about chains, money, clubbing… it’s simply a man expressing his love to his wife. “Luv” is perfect for anyone that just needs to remind their significant other that they are their world.

6 – Is there any message behind this jam?

Don’t be afraid to tell that person that you have feelings for how you really feel. People tend to throw around the word love a lot, but what do you love about that person? “Luv” to me was just expressing to Jackie all the things I love about her & how she makes me feel like her husband. She’s an incredible wife and this song is all about her.

7 – How does it compare to anything else you have put out before?

After I released “Brand New” back in 2019, I took a break from music because I needed to find myself as an artist. I had always love to sing but I never really tried to sing on a track before. With “Luv” and a lot of my new tracks, I took a step out of my comfort zone & just wanted to be me. I didn’t want to be a cookie-cutter rapper or artist. I wanted to express myself through singing and rapping.

“Luv” is the first release that I’ve sung on, so it’s nerve-racking, but it’s me. It’s honestly the most real I’ve ever been on a track, it’s just me speaking from the heart. The rest of my releases that follow will be the same, just me telling a story or expressing feelings that are true to me. I’m not gonna rap or sing about millions of dollars or a Lamborghini because I can’t relate to any of that, but I can relate to being in love with my amazing wife.

8 – When do you hope to put out more new music

My release schedule is kind of inspired by the artist Russ. When he was starting he would just drop a track month after month. I’m going to follow suit. I think it’s brilliant. Every month is a new chapter in the story of Drew Ramz. My release schedule as of now looks like this:

9/15/20: “Luv”
10/2/20: “20 Something”
10/23/20: “Lowkey”
11/23/20: “Hoodie Weather”

9 – What would your dream music video look like right now?

A dream music video is something paying homage to my favorite TV show, “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” I love sarcastic comedy & I’m hoping to drop a single that fits the comedy scheme of that show. Once I do, I’m gonna go all out and just show my love and appreciation to that show!

10 – Finally, how do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

I’m going to continue to release music and be the best artist I can be. At the same time, I’m a family man and my family comes first. I will be starting my Master’s Degree in January, with the hopes of being a principal of school one day. Providing my family is my number one goal & that’s what I signed up for. I hope that one day my music takes off and I can provide for them as an artist, but in the meantime, I’m working my way up to help shape the future generations.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
