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Exclusive Interview: Echo Xray On New Melodic Gem, “Last Time (VIP)”



Echo Xray

Phoenix-based producer Echo Xray talks with Electro Wow about his latest gem “Last Time (VIP).” Featuring irresistibly melodic production, this track gives you strong Seven Lions and Crystal Skies vibes. If you’re curious to learn more about it, read our exclusive interview.

1 — How would you describe your signature sound to someone who has never heard you before?

My signature sound is ethereal, emotional, and climactic. It’s definitely cathartic. I try to make your heart explode out of your chest in a lot of the songs I make. I usually like to blend vocals, a big wall of sound drops, and heavy basses to achieve that.

2 — What message is your song “Last Time (VIP)” passing to listeners?

I think everyone can interpret art in different ways but when I listen to “Last Time” the message I get is, “just fucking go for it.”

3 — Would you say lyrics are more important than the music?

I never really listen to the words and what the vocalist is saying. I always hear the notes they sing, how they sing them, and how the tones of everything together make me feel. I feel like that probably makes me a better writer but I definitely don’t pretend to be a lyricist haha. So my answer would be that music is more important.

4 — I would like to know the meaning of the cover art. What are your thoughts on it?

The cover art is amazing and one of my favorites I’ve ever put out. It gives that feeling of looking out into the world and feeling small against the grand scale of nature. It gives a sense of wonder and adventure which I feel always makes the music sound better when experienced from that perspective.

5 — Can you reveal the name of the vocalist behind this great tune?

She’s pursuing a solo career so we agreed she won’t be named for this track!

6 — Do you have any dream collaborations in mind?

The first artists that come to mind would be Seven Lions or Crystal Skies. I think they’re both great and we could tell an amazing story together for sure. My fingers are crossed that I one day get that opportunity! Also for Drum & Bass, I would love to work with Metrik or Sub Focus one day. They’re both artists I think are really killing it in DnB and do it in a way I can really appreciate with challenging production and great writing.

7 — Do you think you’ll stick forever to Melodic Dubstep and DnB or go into a different direction in the near future?

I definitely want to stick to mostly Melodic Dubstep and occasionally DnB. Those are the genres that really resonate with me and I love exploring them. I’ve always wanted to genre blend some Pop-Punk or Metal vocalists into DnB because I think it would sound amazing. Hopefully, I get that opportunity one day.

8 — Are you still inspired by Seven Lions and Crystal Skies? What makes their music so special?

I’m still very much inspired by Seven Lions and Crystal Skies. I think they’re the best at telling a story that’s similar to what I like to tell. Emotional, powerful, with challenging production, and with great melodies. One thing I also really like about Seven Lions is the darkness he has. I think it’s incredibly common for Melodic Bass producers to start putting out some cheesy Pop songs but his stay pretty dark and gritty and that’s another reason he’s one of my favorites.

9 — What do you miss the most about your time in the Air Force?

Anyone who has seen what I look like knows that a career in the military is not for me haha but the cool thing about the military is that it’s tough times for everyone but it brings everyone together. I went through a lot of crappy times but when you go through them with awesome people you never forget friends like that. You end up having a special lifelong friendship with these people, especially people you deploy with.

I’d say that’s what I miss the most for sure.

10 — Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Hey everyone please support me and stream my music so I can hopefully one day quit my day job.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.