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Feather Talks About His Music Career And Latest Song, “Fixing Me”



Fixing Me Feather
Electro Wow asked Feather some questions for you to get to know him better. The rising artist joins forces with SEGØ and Rajiv Dhall for “Fixing Me,” a must-listen.

1 – How long did it take you to become a music producer?

Haha, man some days it feels like I haven’t quite made it yet to that official title! But I guess there are many days where I do feel like it fits. I would say it’s taken me about 5 years to get to a point where I feel somewhat confident in my ability to create a workable idea. Although one time the artist and producer Blanke told me it takes about 8 years until you really feel confident!

2 – Where do you get the motivation to keep going?

This is a great question because I don’t totally know. My friends have always told me I’m a bit of a relentless maniac with my work ethic, but it’s just always been some component of who I am – overly passionate and hardworking. I prefer to be proactive in life as it helps me feel more in control of my situation instead of being a victim of circumstance.

3 – Do you remember the hardest project you’ve ever worked on?

Actually, I think the collaborative album project I just finished might be one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. There were so many moving parts and components between artists, collaborators, and teams from the conception of the song to finally getting it released, and as an independent artist specifically who is rather involved personally in the process it was a lot of work at times.

4 – What do you prefer producing or performing live? Why?

I prefer performing, hands down. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been a performer. I’ve been involved in some sort of performance art since I was young so it’s rather ingrained in my being. I feel very comfortable and natural up there and it’s one of the few places that I don’t think too much and I’m able to just be in the moment.

5 – What gives you satisfaction in your career?

I’ve gotten a lot of satisfaction and actually cultivated a lot of respect for myself through the process of conceptualizing an idea for the project and then going through the (often frustrating and exhausting) process of attempting to execute the idea and eventually ending with a finished product. That entire process teaches you a lot about yourself and many other avenues involved, and in the end, you feel really capable and proud.

6 – How would you interpret the lyrics of your latest song “Fixing Me”?

To me, it’s really about the ability someone can have to completely change your perspective around, whether it be about life, love, yourself, etc. But their influence helps shift your energy back to a positive or optimistic feel-good vibe.

7 – What new things did you learn from this collaboration with SEGØ and Rajiv Dhall?

One of the coolest things that I felt happened through making this song was really a profound connection of being understood by other people. We often spent a lot of time in our sessions having these group therapy-type talks and I was blown away by how similar a lot of my personal issues ended up being to others’ problems! Through the process of talking and sharing and venting I think we all left feeling a little more understood and seen by another person and ultimately I think that leads to more happiness, better art, and a better life.

8 – Is there anything you would like to highlight about its creative process?

I could go on and on about so many things with the creative process, but I think one of the biggest things is how everyone creates differently and hears music differently. Each person contributes in a different way and it was really cool to see how we all filled in the gaps of everyone’s abilities. But it takes a lot of trust, understanding, and compromise so it’s not without effort but that’s why it’s so great that we all got along and were able to share personal things – it really helps the creative process feel smoother.

9 – How do you deal with self-criticism when it comes to creating new music?

Hmmm… I really am not the best when it comes to this as my internal dialog can be a little negative at times. I am constantly working on this and lately, it’s been focused on not thinking too much and just creating. Not worrying about what it sounds like or what it’s for, just let it come out and figure it out later. The thinking brain is not the creative brain so the more you can turn that part off through the many stages of the process, the better you’ll feel as you won’t really have the time or bandwidth to criticize what it is you’re making!

10 – What are your future plans for the rest of 2022?

I’m looking forward to getting this album out and then I really hope I can find some opportunities to perform and play some shows for people. As I said, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I really feel that I thrive up there and I want to show people what this project means to me in a live environment!



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.