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Finally…T-Shirts For Tall Skinny Guys



T-Shirts For Tall Skinny Guys
It seems that every day there are new specialty apparel companies cropping up. They usually have some type of cutting edge fashion, modern designs or some other gimmick to set them apart.

While that appeals to many people, there is still a large segment of the population that just needs plain old t-shirts, polos, and other basics. And for guys who are tall but swim in “big & tall” clothes, there’s never been an option for such shirts.

Until now.

Well, actually until five years ago it turns out. TallSlim Tees is an apparel company that specializes in clothing made specifically for guys who are slim and tall, not big and tall. And they’ve been doing it successfully for quite a while now.

Professional beach volleyball players such as Ryan Doherty (7’1”), Stafford Slick (6’8”) and a handful of others are all sponsored by TallSlim Tees. Plus Olympic swimmer Jacob Pebley (6’5”) and world champion swimmer Michael Chadwick (6’6”) are official with the brand as well.

tallslim tees
TallSlim Tees has really carved itself a niche in the tall community by serving those with an average or thin build as opposed to the big boys served by big and tall brands. T-shirts aren’t their only product, either. While they have plenty of those in over 20 colors in crew and v-neck (as well as a long sleeve), they also offer hoodies, henleys, polos, tank tops, dress shirts and more.

Their many relieved customers, some of whom buy dozens of shirts at a time, are less shocked to learn there is a brand catering to them and more shocked to learn no one had done it sooner. It seems like such an intuitive type of sizing to carry.tallslimteesMany traditional brands and retailers like Old Navy have carried “tall” sizes, usually only online, and in limited options. Those sizes generally just add an extra inch or two in length to an already ill-fitting shirt.

TallSlim Tees took a different approach and designed a shirt with the right shoulders, chest, sleeves, and length to make a shirt that fits like no other. It doesn’t hurt that their Original 50/50 shirts don’t shrink or wrinkle in the wash.

If you or a loved one is a tall skinny guy, then checking out TallSlim Tees is a must!

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
