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How Veneers Can Improve Your Oral Health



While veneers are essentially a solution to help with the aesthetic appearance of your smile, that doesn’t mean there aren’t practical befits to getting them. In fact, getting veneers in Turkey can give a huge boost to your oral health.

While they won’t be the answer to all of your troubles in and of themselves, veneers can definitely play a huge role in the overall quality of your oral health, and ahead, we’ll take you through just a handful of some of the best examples of ways veneers can bring about a big improvement.

Veneers Can Help to Strengthen Your Teeth

Our teeth are incredibly strong and robust, and adding a porcelain shield over the top is only going to make them stronger, especially if they were worn down, chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged or weakened.

When in a state like this a tooth is going to be left quite vulnerable, and not so structurally sound either. With veneers though, your teeth can be protected against the potential of any further damage, along with avoiding any necessity for more costly treatments such as dental implants.

Veneers Can Correct any Misalignment or Crookedness

There are a number of issues that can arise from misaligned or crooked teeth, both with health and with speech too. You may for instance have issues when it comes to biting or even cleaning your teeth—which could obviously lead to more serious issues such as infections or tooth and gum decay. It’s therefore not just for the aesthetic benefits that you might want to correct any misalignment or crookedness.

When looking to correct issues such as these, one of the best possible options you have is the fix that dental veneers can provide, and as long as the misalignment or crookedness isn’t too severe, then veneers can negate the necessity of braces or other orthodontic treatments that would need to physically move the teeth rather than simply covering them over, saving you both time and money.

Any Gaps Between Teeth can be Fixed with Veneers

In addition to being able to change the overall look of your teeth with veneers, you can also change their position too. If you’ve any gaps or minor misalignments between your teeth, then this is absolutely something that can be addressed by getting veneers.

If you do have gaps between your teeth, then you may be experiencing issues with your bite, and may even begin to experience health issues if it’s left untreated for too long. Hard to reach food can often get caught in the gaps, which can lead to an increased risk of gum disease or tooth decay. With dental veneers, the gap can be effectively covered up and issues such as these avoided.

Any Damaged Enamel You May Have can be Replaced with Veneers

One of the best applications for veneers is for the treatment of damaged enamel, such as enamel erosion or enamel abrasion. Certain foods and drinks cause the enamel on our teeth to get worn down, especially coffees, red wines, and acidic foods, along with brushing too hard or medical issues like acid reflux.

Unfortunately, once enamel is gone it’s gone, and a lack of enamel leaves our teeth open to being more susceptible to issues such as sensitivity, chipping, cracking, and decay, and will begin to deteriorate quite rapidly. If there’s no enamel around to do the job of keeping our teeth safe, then veneers are the perfect treatment to replace the lost enamel and stop any further decay dead in its tracks.

Veneers can Repair any Damage Your Teeth may have Sustained, Such as Chips or Cracks

It’s not at all uncommon to chip or crack a tooth, and there are numerous ways in which it can occur. Whether it’s due to trauma, tooth grinding, or poor levels of oral hygiene, cracked or chipped teeth can quickly put the underlying tooth pulp at risk, which could wind up with the need for root canal treatment.

When tissue is lost at the root, one of the major issues caused by cracked or chipped teeth is a heightened sensitivity to hot and cold. As cracked or chipped teeth are left for longer and longer, any pain is only going to increase, along with the likelihood of infections and other issues and discomforts.

Veneers are one of the best available treatments for damaged teeth, as they’ll simply and effectively cover up the crack or the chip, regardless of how much tooth is or isn’t remaining. Since veneers are such a long-lasting treatment (the vast majority of veneers last at least 15 years, if not 20 or more), they’re a great choice for treating damage such as chips or cracks as they don’t require much in the way of modification to the tooth.

Veneers can Also Work as a Catalyst to Encourage Better Habits

It’s not just a physical helping hand that veneers can give to your oral health though; they can also have great psychological benefits too. Veneers can work as a great catalyst to help encourage better habits and ultimately keep them as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Most patients will benefit from getting their veneers when their mouth is in a healthy state, and if there are any serious issues such as tooth or gum decay, it’s vital that that gets sorted first before any of the veneers can be put in place. For this reason, those who may have an underlying issue or two who’re looking to get veneers for purely aesthetic reasons will be forced to sort these problems out first and improve their oral health. Sadly, it isn’t possible to attach any veneers to unhealthy teeth.

Veneers aren’t particularly cheap either, which means most who get them will want to make them last as long as they possibly can. With good levels of oral hygiene—and this means brushing twice a day, flossing, using mouthwash, and making regular visits to the dentist—veneers can last at least 10 to 15 years, if not in many cases 20 or more.

Factors like this can play a huge part in encouraging you to take great care of your teeth, and therefore improve your oral health.

If you’re looking at getting veneers, you can also check out this dentist in Los Angeles to get started.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.