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Interview | Questions & Answers With Aldo Marz



Interview | Questions & Answers With Aldo Marz
I recently interviewed Aldo Marz about his latest Progressive House hit “Pizzicato”. Originally from Italy, he moved to Spain to seek better career opportunities. This talented producer is on my list to watch for in 2018. Here is my conversation with him. 

1 – First of all tell us about the start of your DJing career?

My career as a DJ started on a personal level when I was 20 years old. It was not constant. However, after many years I took the decision to return back to DJing.

2 – The electronic music scene is constantly evolving and changing. What are some of the current trends that you find interesting?

Generally speaking, I’m always looking for new tracks or musical proposals from all over the world. The interesting future trends help me with the production process.

3 – Why did you move to Spain?

I am living in Madrid, Spain because in my native country is difficult to find opportunities related to the music world. Also, because I like knowing about new cultures, and definitely, it’s a safe place as well.

4 – You have just released your new single “Pizzicato” on Housepital Records. What exactly does that Italian word mean?

In Italy, the word “Pizzicato” can have multiple meanings and depends on the context. The idea to call my track that way was to capture the music industry’s attention, and therefore push their interest towards my work.

5 – What kind of response have you received from the release so far?

The response has been very positive. “Pizzicato” is aimed at many people. I fully recommend this track because it radiates great energy. Indeed, more and more international DJs have added “Pizzicato” to their playlists. And I’m glad about these results.

dj aldo marz

6 – I noticed the track has a Big Room/Festival vibe. Which music festival would you love to perform live?

For me, the most beautiful festivals are Tomorrowland and Ultra Music. It would be a dream come true If I get my hands on these DJ controllers in order to entertain people so that we can have fun together.

7 – Why you didn’t use vocals on this track?

On this track, I didn’t use vocals because I made a reform and used a new synth. Even though, vocals and new ideas will be featured on upcoming tracks.

8 – Are you currently working on a new single or on any other project?

There are new ideas I’m currently working in. I’m also studying for the future.

aldo marz pizzicato
9 – What do you prefer DJing at clubs or producing music at the studio? Why?

Honestly, I prefer both. Being producing music in the studio is my passion and the club is the place where I can verify if the sound design was good enough to make people dance.

10 – Finally, What attributes do you believe contribute to being a successful producer?

I think that the real success arrives when you produce a song that transmits energy and unite people. Music allows you to remember about times or just a single event. Making people smile forever and recall certain memories through my music is my mission.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
