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Modern French Female Artist Charlotte Talks “Les Lanternes Magiques”



modern french female artist

“Les Lanternes Magiques” is an awesome tune that explores themes of light, personal growth, and universal connection. Modern French female artist Charlotte opens up about its special meaning and much more in this exclusive interview.

1 – First of all, what do the magic lanterns symbolize or represent in your new song, “Les Lanternes Magiques”?

The magic lanterns represent us. We are the magic lanterns! It is the light we all have inside us, our positive power, what we are (we come from a source), we all… You know like Dragon Ball!

2 – Was there ever a time in your life when you were in the dark and then found the light?

Yes, many times. I was born into a no-love family… You feel that something is wrong with “the others”… Humiliation, people say false things about you, etc. You can choose to lament, to bark, to fight, or to forgive.

When you enter a dark room, you open the door, and light comes in! Sometimes, forgiving can be very difficult, but consider two things: first, if you hold onto negativity, it can make you sick. Second, when you send love to the devil, the devil will die. Conversely, the more anger you direct at the devil, the more power you give him.

3 – What made you decide to include both Spanish and English lyrics in this new track?

I have difficulty speaking other languages, but I like it… I like to meet others, to exchange with them, to know them, to meet other opinions and other cultures… I am sad when I meet people and I can’t speak with them.

For 7 years, I lived in the south of Spain. There, I studied with the people at the beach, learning their language. First, Spanish, and second, English because many foreigners live there.

And I added Persian because, while I was writing a song, I met a fan of my songs, an Iranian who teaches French at a school in Brussels. He only teaches women and sometimes uses my lyrics to teach!

4 – When and where did you write the lyrics—day or night?

I began to write my lyrics because, after staying 7 years living in the south of Spain, I came back to Belgium. And, yes, you know, it is the north; here it is often so dark and raining. I was falling into depression, and I said, “Oh nooo, it is not me, that.”

5 – How is this song different from the ones you’ve composed before?

The songs I generally wrote before spoke about me, my life. This song speaks about NOW and is written for everybody. The rain does not fall only in the north; wars are like the rain, sadness is like rain…

Les Lanternes Magiques cover art

6 – Does “Les Lanternes Magiques” fall into the Rap category because of its rhyme style?

I would say dance-pop, a little funk, urban, and the lyrics are more slam.

7 – Are you inspired by contemporary artists?

I don’t know if I am inspired by… But I listen to many different styles of music. I like metal music, hip-hop, rap, trance, funky, bachata… A song must touch me inside or inspire me to dance.

8 – Over the years, has it been easy or tough to juggle your three careers as a singer, producer, and model?

During 8 years, I worked nights and days when I was a stripper. Now, I respect myself and sleep during the night. Only 5 hours of sleep is enough for me because I meditate a lot and eat vegan. So, I have time, and I feel wonderful

9 – What kind of listener do you think will connect most with your music?

The new title “Les Lanternes Magiques” concerns everyone (in my opinion).

10 – Is there something specific you want to achieve in your music career by 2025?

Yessss, I want to move out of Europe, to come back to the sun, but not in Spain again, to find a “definitive place,” a place that can elevate my vibes, to write more inspired songs. Perhaps, in this place, I could create a corner for other artists to share and mix ideas… mix painting, music, yoga, massage, and vegan food, and… all to create a new future, a very bright future created by many magic lanterns.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
