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Exclusive Interview: Konami Homi On His Album, ‘Neon Dynamite’



Exclusive Interview: Konami Homi On His Album, 'Neon Dynamite'

Electro Wow speaks to Konami Homi about his fresh 16-track album, ‘Neon Dynamite’. This article serves as an introspective exploration of the new project which somehow reflects the mayhem of everydayness. Add to this, interesting lyrics and melodies to fit in people’s current moods. Learn more down here.

1 — What led you to release the album ‘Neon Dynamite’?

What leads me to release ‘Neon Dynamite’ was the current state of the world. I feel like ‘Neon Dynamite’ is a representation of the uncontrollable emotions the world has as well as myself. We hold so much inside to uphold an image of being “human” and I feel this album was a release of those built-up emotions. An explosion of emotions if you will.

2 — How did you get linked up with Achilles, Ray Harvey, A.Cain, and Flex Cabana?

We were all friends already and are building a business together so it was only right that I involve people on the album who were basically family to me. Connection is always important.

3 — Are you looking forward to collaborating with similar artists?

I’m very excited to work with other artists in and out of my genre. I think what makes music great is when you step away from things that make you comfortable and I know there are great artists out there who can push me and vice versa.

4 — In your opinion, how different is this album from your first EP, ‘Animality’?

It’s extremely different sound-wise, I definitely let loose on experimenting with different melodies and such. I think they both hold similarities in the message but ‘Neon Dynamite’ was a much more freeing feeling in the creative process. I let go of myself and got lost in the music which brought out a more raw vibe.

5 — Why did you decide to release a futuristic-looking video for “Neon Ghost”?

Because I feel like the energy of the project is futuristic, when I listen to it I imagine a world of robots and chaos, not too much further from our current reality. I like imagining the future especially when the future isn’t always set in stone.

6 — Which other genres or styles would you like to try in the near future?

Honestly, I would love to try more Rock, I’ve always liked Rock artists and their rebellious ways of thinking. Rock honestly inspired a lot of this project too so it would only be right.

7 — Are you looking to promote your music on new apps like TikTok?

I currently have my music accessible on TikTok but I don’t really use it too often. I definitely would love to see people creating videos to my songs though, that would be a beautiful sight to see.

Konami Homi Interview
8 — In many countries, bars and nightclubs are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, do you believe this will affect the promotion of your music?

No, not at, I think as an artist what makes us “real artists” is our ability to evolve in any situation. This COVID-19 should be pushing us to get more creative in ways to promote and push our music.

9 — As an artist, how are you dealing with this pandemic?

I’m honestly dealing with it as any other day, you can’t let fear and ignorance blind you from your purpose. Move smart, pay attention, and stay focused on what’s important. There’s nothing we can do to stop a situation like this so instead we must embrace it and learn from it.

10 — Lastly, can we expect more singles or remixes in 2020 and beyond?

Most definitely, I’m actually already working on new projects and singles. I have two singles dropping this month and most likely I’ll be dropping something new every month so people should definitely stay locked in if they want to see what’s coming next.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
