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Mr. Johnny Ba$h Talks About Music, Life And More — Interview



Mr. Johnny Ba$h
The new EP, ‘Mr. Johnny Ba$h Is A Dope MC’ is shaking up the Indie scene at the moment. Vibrantly energetic elements dripping in originality will surely catch your attention. Once you read this interview, the artist’s perplexing talent becomes much clearer.

1 — What was the first record you ever bought? Where did you buy it?

The first record that I can recollect buying is ‘Revolver’ by The Beatles. I believe it was around the time I was 18 and actually had my own money. I bought it at a cool music shop called Rasputin Records. I love ‘Revolver’ and I still to this day think it’s one of the greatest albums ever made. For anyone who doubts how prolific The Beatles were, listen to “Eleanor Rigby” and your mind will be opened.

2 — Which musician, other than yourself, have you ever wanted to be?

I actually have a lot of artists that I have wanted to be. I’ll name them here:

Chuck D, Grandmaster Flash, Rakim, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon, Brendon Urie, MCA, Joey Ramone, Johnny Cash, and Frank Sinatra.

3 — What do you sing in the shower?

Usually in the shower, I’ll just freestyle without a beat. It helps me to get my flow and find my voice. As for an actual song, I’d probably go with “HEAT” by BROCKHAMPTON.

4 — Is “Trial” your all-time favorite production from the new EP?

100%. Once I finished recording “Trial,” I knew right then and there I had created something special and unique to my own voice as an artist. I think what really makes “Trial” special is that it’s my story. It’s like Special Ed rapping “I Got It Made” or Rakim rapping “Microphone Fiend.” Nobody else can rap those songs because those are their stories.

5 — What inspired you to write these lyrics?

I think what inspired me to write the lyrics for “Trial” were the feelings of anger and guilt. The state of mind I was in during the writing process was very bitter as a result of everything that had happened to me in my past. I was feeling used, hurt, depressed, and pissed off at the way that the people close to me had treated me. In addition to those emotions, I was feeling triumphant at the fact that I had finally cut off an extremely toxic and insecure person from my life. I felt strong. I felt powerful. The name of the song is a reference to “Evil” by Interpol. “Trial” refers to putting myself on trial for all of my past sins and mistakes, all the while not forgetting what has been done to me. I think the song is so powerful because it encapsulates the feeling of healing from trauma.

6 — In your opinion, what makes a dope MC?

What makes a dope MC is possessing the capability to spread an impactful message through flow and poise. My favorite MCs from the 80s and 90s all had a reason for getting up on the mic. Chuck D was rapping about something real. Rakim was speaking facts. To me, they are Dope MCs because it was never about the money, fame, clothes, or materialistic items that come with success. It was about creating a positive impact through their art.

7 — Do you promote your music on TikTok?

No, no, and no. My feelings about this topic are pretty strong but I have not ever made a Tik Tok, nor do I ever plan on promoting my music there. I see TikTok as more of a gimmick. From an outside perspective, songs that blow up on TikTok lose all original meaning and become trends. A frustrating example of this is Bo Burnham’s songs for Inside getting really popular through Tik Tok and then it seemed to have lost its meaning after that. That’s just my view of things. Am I being pretentious? Yeah, yeah, and yeah.

8 — Will you continue embracing Rock sounds?

I will and want to delve headfirst into the Punk Rock sound that I love so much. My next album ‘DON’T MESS WITH JULIO!’ can be classified as being Post-Punk. It’s a mixture of Screamo Rap, 80s Hip-Hop, Punk Rock, and Indie Rock.

Mr. Johnny Ba$h
9 — Aren’t you interested in experimenting with other genres?

Totally! Just today I was working on a Trap song with my girlfriend and her brother. I am a very opened minded artist. I want to be like Snoop Dogg where he can just get on the mic and flow over any type of beat.

10 — Finally, tell us something you have never told an interview before.

I am proud to say I’m dating my soulmate and the woman I’m going to marry. She is an artist and she’s incredibly talented. She has a feature on my next album, so make sure to watch out for that. She makes me happy and she makes me want to be a better man. I got a second chance at life and I could not be more grateful!



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
