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Rob Gasser And The Brig Talk About Their New Single “Take A Fall” — Interview



take a fall

Rob Gasser and The Brig go into more detail about their new emotionally charged single “Take A Fall”. Take a look at this interesting interview and learn more about them.

1 — First of all, what led you to make electronic music?

The Brig: In my childhood, I listened to a lot of electronic music. Basically Eurodance, Trance music. In 2003, I started trying to create my own tracks in these styles, using FL Studio and Reason. After 10 years, I began experimenting with styles and chose my main style; dubstep.

Rob Gasser: I first heard electronic music online on YouTube and I was immediately hooked and wanted to learn how to make it. It took me a while to get into it, but luckily I had found tutorials on YouTube to help me get started.

Rob Gasser

Rob Gasser

2 — Did you ever have another career path you wanted to pursue?

The Brig: A couple of years ago I worked as a sales manager, but now I only concentrate on music. Most of all I like to create music and I do not want that to change.

Rob Gasser: As far as I’m aware, not really!

3 — What was it like working together on your new single “Take A Fall”?

The Brig: Working as a team was an excellent experience. We did not have any problems agreeing on the final version of the track. All of us made an equal contribution. I would like to thank Rob and Ashley and I hope to work with them again in the future.

Rob Gasser: Working with The Brig was a great experience! He’s a talented producer and he always knows how to improve on my ideas & turn them into something completely different and fresh.

4 — What was the most challenging part in producing it?

The Brig: Perhaps the most difficult part was creating an idea. The arrangement and mastering happened quickly.

Rob Gasser: I think this was one of the smoothest projects I’ve done in a while, no complaints here. I suppose starting the project was the hardest part.

The Brig

The Brig

5 — Can you imagine how different the song would sound without Ashley Apollodor’s vocals?

The Brig: It would be a completely different track. Ashley’s vocal is unique, and I would not want to separate it from the track.

Rob Gasser: Ashley’s powerful vocals definitely made the track what it is today, so I can’t imagine Take A Fall being Take A Fall without her vocals.

6 — Why does chopping up vocals are so popular now?

The Brig: Most often for trends, you have to create something new. Chopping up vocals is a great way to get a new special sound.

Rob Gasser: I definitely think Skrillex had a lot to do with popularizing the sound (his vocal chops are still some of the best out there.) I personally love them because you essentially turn the human voice into a completely different sounding instrument.

7 — Are you planning to release remixes for “Take A Fall”?

The Brig: Of course, now there’s a remix contest for this track so we’ll have a lot of them.

Rob Gasser: Yes! We’re currently running a remix competition.

8 — If you were to release a new track together, what would you title it and how does that will sound?

The Brig: To name a track, you must first create a track, so I cannot say. But the track would sound great.

Rob Gasser: We may or may not have already started more stuff together, all info will be revealed in due time ;) But usually the track title doesn’t come into play until we have a solid idea going.

9 — Is there something you love or hate about the current EDM scene?

The Brig: The EDM scene now is good but I would like to see more artists with a unique sound.

Rob Gasser: There’s definitely a lot of innovation going on, which I love!

10 — Finally, how do you see yourselves in 10 years?

The Brig: I see myself as a successful DJ and musician who will travel the world.

Rob Gasser: Hopefully still making music!


The Brig

Rob Gasser

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
