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Tips To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep



better night sleep
One in three American adults does not get the recommended amount of sleep, according to the CDC. Experts agree that adults should get seven or more hours of sleep nightly. Stress, lifestyle factors, and technology can all interfere with your body’s ability to go to sleep and stay asleep.

If you are ready to get a better night’s sleep, you have come to the right place. All it takes is making a few simple changes. After you incorporate these changes into your routine, your body will be getting the sleep that it needs to maintain health.

Healthy sleep habits, or sleep hygiene, are easy to incorporate into your life and will help ensure you get to sleep quickly and get a restful night’s sleep. Many people overlook the importance of changing their mattress regularly resulting in trying to sleep on an uncomfortable bed. Fully research a new mattress and read puffy mattress reviews to ensure you are getting the best mattress for you.

1. Drop the Temperature in Your Bedroom

Sleep experts state that your bedroom should be on the cooler side, which means you should lower your bedroom temperature to 60 to 67 degrees. If you believe that this is too cool. Start lowering your bedroom temperatures a couple of degrees each week until you get it to the recommended range. When you sleep, your body temperature drops. By lowering the temperature in your bedroom, your body temperature will cool quicker, which can help you get to sleep faster.

2. Avoid Caffeinated Beverages in the Evening

Caffeine can stay in your system for several hours, which can keep you stimulated. Avoid all caffeine after lunch. Instead of coffee, chocolate, and tea, opt for herbal teas, fruits, and decaffeinated beverages.

3. Develop a Sleep-Friendly Evening Routine

About an hour before bedtime, you need to begin preparing your body and mind for sleep. Enjoy the following activities in the evening to relax you and help you get a good night’s sleep:

* Enjoy a warm bath
* Read a book
* Relax with soothing music
* Write a journal
* Meditate to relax your body and mind
* Do gentle stretching exercises

4. Maintain a Sleep Schedule

Developing a sleep schedule with a set bedtime and a set wake time. This simple thing will help reset your body’s internal clock. When this schedule is established, you will begin to get sleepy at your bedtime and will naturally wake up at the time you need to wake up.

5. Exercise in the Morning

Cardio routines and strength training exercises boost your energy levels, which can make it difficult to get to sleep. To avoid this, exercise in the morning and use the evening hours for relaxing exercises like a walk around your block or yoga.

By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.