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Konami Homi, The David Bowie Of Hip-Hop You Need To Hear!



Konami Homi, The David Bowie Of Hip-Hop

These days, up-and-coming artists need to think outside the box in order to succeed in the media. Konami Homi, the David Bowie of Hip-Hop, knows this since day one. Hailing from Inland Empire, California, he showcases his exceptional creativity on a recent album, ‘Neon Dynamite’. Clearly, he isn’t interested in being part of a dull industry. On the contrary, with his new record, he brings a total of 16 vibrant tunes that stand out as an antidote to boredom by breaking the rules of styles and genres. Below you can witness how well these sonic gems are truly free in form and sound.

Obviously, ‘Neon Dynamite’ will keep your body dancing for about 43 minutes. Nevertheless, there’s still substance in his dark and moody songs. Plus, you’ll love how urban, spiritual, electronic vibes match perfectly with his personal lyrics that anybody can relate to. So far, the album is getting hundreds of plays, and this is a sign his five years of experience aren’t lost in vain.

On the other hand, his latest music video, “Neon Ghost” features a dope futuristic concept, where he implements his technical knowledge as a cinematographer. From my view, there are positive similarities between his persona and Bowie’s weirdness and uniqueness. So, are you ready for a spaceship ride?… Press play here!



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.
