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Watch Sonomancer’s Trippy Video For “Digital Graves” Ft. Martha Goddard



A production of mind-blowing proportion. The latest release by Sonomancer comes with a trippy music video that transfers you to an enigmatic journey.

With “Digital Graves” you will travel to an unknown dimension orbiting around melancholic and dark tones. Add to this, Martha Goddard‘s penetrating vocals interweaving into complex sonic textures.

Clearly, Sonomancer has avoided any cliché associated with Electronica. Indeed, his new piece of art feels unique/experimental to such a degree that allows differing interpretations.

trippy music video

Yet all of this also has an out-of-the-world atmosphere. The whole track bursts free of nominations but it’s colored by spacey sound effects, washy synths, and hard-hitting drums seriously treated to become kinda hypnotic.

The independent artist has done a great job in delivering a surreal experience through a stunning trippy music video. But most importantly, the thought-provoking lyrics challenge your views on social media and day-to-day interactions.

In other words, just as the weather gets colder outside, the same is true of socializing.

Dependence on technology is difficult to avoid, but it’s time to reflect on whether or not it represents a distraction. Ironically, it distances you more and more from the people you want to be close to.

Without a doubt, “Digital Graves” creates quite a buzz about conditions for modernity.



By Erick Ycaza

Hi, my name is Erick Ycaza. I have a BA in Advertising & Graphic Design. This blog is to provide you with daily music news and share my personal style. Surprisingly, I have been blogging and writing about music since 2007.